Saturday, March 24, 2012


I am hoping this will be the last sore throat Taylor has to endure.

After many (MANY) cases of strep throat we took her to an ENT and was advised to get her tonsils and adenoids out.
The date was set back in February. March 23rd. The Friday before spring break. I may have ruined her spring break, but I didn't want her to miss any more school than she had too and I didn't want to go through the recovery in the summer time.

They took her back to surgery and returned her to us within 35 minutes! Everything went well.

Post surgery-

When she first come out of anesthesia she was freaking out a lot. They gave her some Demerol to help relax her and it did the trick. She was pretty calm and sleepy the remainder of the time. We left for Twin @ 5:45 am and were back to our home by 11:00.

Waiting to go home-

Parker got to spend the night at Grandma's (My Mom's) and hang out with her and Grandpa. Paige was such a good little baby. I basically pulled her out of bed and put her in the carseat at 5:30 am and she slept until 8:00. Ate and played for a little while then went back to sleep until we got home! Good little girl :)

Taylor slept through the night last night, but is having a rough day today. She barely wants to eat or drink. (As expected)

Only a few more days to get over the hump and turn the corner.....

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