Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peek a Boo Puppies!

The night of our ward Christmas party, we informed Taylor that Santa was going to come visit.

She was so excited. She ran into her room, found a picture that we had cut out of a toy magazine and said she was going to ask for 'this' toy.

I was done with my Christmas shopping for the I thought. Knowing that she was going to be taking this picture and asking Santa to his face for peek a boo puppies I started searching online for them.

She got the puppies, Parker got the barnyard animals. Fitting for both.

She was terrified of Santa (which was my DAD!) but we convinced her just to stand there and show him the picture.

She was better that way. Parker screamed, even after bribing him with candy.

Later that night, Taylor informed us that Santa had the same glasses as Papa.
I think it's time my Dad retires as our ward Santa surprise :)

Christmas morning came and Santa did NOT disappoint. :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That video is too funny! I love it!