Monday, May 07, 2007

No Tears Today...

From me anyway. Taylor was a different story. I had to take her in and get her shots this morning. I am a little late I know, but I started all her shots a little late because I didn't want to get them done before our trip to Texas last summer. That just set all the rest back a little. Anyway, before I had kids I went with my sister once to get one of her son's shots done. I cried like a baby! How sad was his cry! When it was time for me to get my own child's shots done I made my sister come with me the first two times. She held Taylor down while I sat in the chair next to them crying my eyes out. Melissa couldn't go with me for the 6 month shots so I was on my own. Yep, I cried. Not as bad though. Just when they put the needle in and she turned her head and looked at me and I could just see her saying, "Why are you letting them hurt me??!?!" Today I went in knowing that she had to get 6 shots done. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to give a one year old 6 shots!!! That is just cruel! As soon as they called our name and we started walking back Taylor started crying. What a way to start. There is always 2 nurses (one which I have always had and the other one was new). The regular nurse was kind of mean because she grabs Taylor's blanket out of her hands and tells me she can't have it. Rude! Taylor screams and she gives in and gives it back. Good thing too because it helped muffle all the screaming! They had to do 2 shots in each leg and 1 in each arm. Every shot the new nurse gave Taylor would bleed like crazy! They did the legs first and when they were about to do the last 2 (arms) the regular nurse starts yelling at the new nurse because she gave her the wrong vaccine. They go back and forth for a while then just end up switching needles. Uh-okay whatever. All their arguing didn't help Taylor or myself. As we were walking out all the little kids in the waiting room were wide eyed! I could hear some of the mom's telling them, "See she's all better now." We definitely scared alot of them!
The whole drive home (a good 25+ minutes) Taylor would let out a whine and grab at her legs then her left arm (new nurse did that one, it was almost in her armpit!) I am just glad they are over with, especially getting the chicken pox vaccine! I didn't want to have to deal with those! She is peacefully sleeping so all is well. Not to mention I am getting tougher! :)


Nikkala said...

Isn't it nice you are done until kindergarten (unless you need the 2nd Hep A-but at least that is only 1 shot)!

Alisha Wilkins said...

She will need the 2nd Hep A in November then we are done until Kindergarten! I can handle one shot a lot better than 6!