Thursday, April 26, 2007

Then we had a.....Garden?!!!

All afternoon Troy and Ryan were out cleaning out our barn and some of the left over "junk" from the previous owners (they left alot!). I was asked to watch Ryan and Maren kids but no sooner than them walking in the back door from the bus ride, Ryan came in and got them to help move some branches and such. I went out as soon as Taylor woke up to see what they were doing and I found out I was getting a garden. Well, it's actually Derek and Colby's (probably more Colby than anyone) but it was being put at our house. I knew we would some day have a garden (being married to a farmer and all!) but I wanted to get our actual yard put back together before I even think of bothering with a garden. Of course I run inside and grab the camera to document this occassion! I had to laugh that when all of the "Wilkins Boys" were hard at work with the garden area you turn around to see Taylor. Just walking around the driveway without a care in the world all by herself! :)

Today was actually one of the easiest babysitting jobs I have ever had! ;p

1 comment:

Deidra said...

Nice! We went to our garden plot last night. It's all tilled up and ready to go. I think once you garden yourself, it gets addictive! Hopefully you enjoy it!